Friday, December 28, 2012

An Ode to a Memorable Week

Twas the week before Christmas
and all through our house
No one was healthy (not even the mouse).

Amidst Christmas preparations, for a few days
the children did cough, sneeze and Cain raise

 When out of the sky

the snowflakes did fly
18 inches in 24 hour


the wet and heavy snow left us in the cold
for 2 days lacking heat and power

So four days before Christmas
like Nomads we were wandering
seeking lodging and heat, while pondering
the Holy Family's quest
as they sought some rest
to prepare for our Saviour's arrival

While looking for room at an "inn" we were grateful to find
welcome with friends who were quite kind

yet prayers we did request
and gratefully,
at their bequest
we were greeted with the return of electricity

With joy sincere,
thanks to the power company
we returned to our home triumphantly
to celebrate a birth like no other
One that gave us a heavenly brother
through Him we became adopted Sons
and gained a Holy Mother and Heavenly Father.
Merry 4th day of Christmas!

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