Sunday, August 21, 2011

An Ode to our Library and a trip to the Circus

Penguins from Antartica that our Librarian made for story time
We LOVE our Library.  We are there at least once a week and we know all of our librarians by their first names.  It's a smaller library but is part of a larger system with a very easy and efficient book request system.  Another reason we love the library is because of the excellent story time and summer reading programs they have for the children.  Miss Lisa, the librarian who plans story time, has great ideas and really fun books, crafts and activities for the kids.  Miriam and William love Miss Lisa and run to give her a hug or say hello every time we visit the library which is pretty close to once a week or at least every other week - sometimes more often. 

A music program at the Library that featured instruments from around the World
Our summer adventure this week was made possible thanks to the summer reading program.  We went to the Baraboo Circus Museum and had a great time!
Here is Miriam looking at a scale model of the Circus in all its glory
 The Museum was really neat to lok through - they had some great displays, and it was very kid friendly, featuring a dress-up area, coloring table, circus train table and much more...
Lions and tigers, Miriams, Lukes & Phils Oh My!

 Twice a day they offer a children's interactive circus where the kids dress up as the performers and put on a show.  Miriam got to be a tiger,  She did a great job!

 They also have several shows throughout the day and we were amazed at what the performers and animals were able to accomplish.  It was great fun to watch though the kids' favorite part was the clowns. 
Luke enjoyed checking out this unicycle

The highlight for us though was an elephant ride.  Our guide on the ride had been in the circus all his life (he is from Holland originally) and he has seven children (who are homeschooled) four of them performed in the circus show ages 5 to 14.  We enjoyed talking to him as he guided us around the ring and he even gave us a bonus lap. 

It was a great day and definately worth the trip.  We will probably visit again as the kids get older. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Trip to the EAA Venture Museum

At the beginning of the Summer we took advantage of our local Groupon to purchase tickets to the EAA Venture Museum in Osh Kosh, WI.  It was a great trip and since their flight simulator was out of order we got free tickets to go back again sometime. 

William loved the hands on exhibits in the children's section. 

Luke loved this exhibit that held a ball up in a stream of air that you could move.

The have flight simulators and exhibits that teach pretty much everything about the history of flight and the science behind flying. 
The have a great space section and this is a meteroite that is part of a hands on exhibit.  They also have several exhibits that allow you to see what an astronaut would experience in space.

Outside kids age 8-12 can have a free plane ride.  Our children were too young to take advantage of this but they enjoyed the pedal airplanes.

The kids had a great time and it was a quiet ride home to Amherst Junction.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Where July went

It's August!  I just wanted to post some pictures to show where our July went.  Time sure does fly by during the summer.  June ended with a harvest of strawberries..(well there were only a few but next year there should be many more!)
 William and Miriam each caught a fish...

 We enjoyed a puppet show at the library...
 went to the water park with friends...
 And Welcomed Sister Rose Anthony to Amherst Junction for a week!  We hosted an open house for her with a treasure hunt.  It was so much fun!
 While she was here we went to Chicago to visit Uncle Chris, Aunt Mimi, and cousins Emma and Catherine who happened to be in Illinois for a few days.  The cousins had so much fun together, we can't wait to see them again at Uncle Steve's wedding in September.
Luke discovered the Sword and learned how to use one.

 Sr. Rose Anthony made matching aprons for Miriam and William.  We were so sorry to see her go and can't wait for her next visit..though it will be a couple years.  The kids loved having her - it was such a belssing and we look forward to visiting the convent again in Michigan next year.
After Sister left, we had a week to finish preparation for the parish Vacation Bible School: There's No Place Like Rome  that I got to design:-)  It was a fun but exhausting week - well worth the months of preparation.  Our friend Johnny came to visit and spend that Thursday night with us.  Miriam is wearing the lion mask she made for Vacation Bible school.

We finished off the month with a Celebration of Life for our friends the Parkers who were getting ready to welcome their little girl Kateri Rose (born August 3rd) into the world. 

 and I made strawberry freezer jam for the first time and I'm hooked - it's so easy and SO delicious.

Every summer day is filled with fun, especially when you mix in a little imagination!  I love the train the kids made.  We hope your summer is going well!