Friday, December 31, 2010

Getting ready for Midnight Mass

For Christmas Phil suggested we go to Midnight Mass. My response was "no" at first. Midnight Mass meant taking three little ones age four and under and I kind of wanted them to be awake for Christmas Mass and not grumpy on Christmas Day. Yet Phil had a great desire to go toMidnight Mass and Miriam, even on schedule, was pretty grumpy Christmas Eve so we took a leap and made the trip at midnight with three little ones. To make things easier, we dressed the children in their Church clothes before putting them to bed so here is a video of them on their way to bed.

The Midnight Mass was beautiful and all went quite well - all three of the children slept pretty much through the whole Mass and most of the transitions though we were definately grateful for the extra borrowed laps of "Grandpa" Ray and "Grandma" Cindy as three sleeping children would have been difficult to manage on two laps. What a blessing it was for Mom and Dad to be able to enter into the Christmas mystery more fully!

Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph for the beautiful Christmas gift!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Christmas Visitor

On the fourth day of Christmas William's Godfather came to visit us for the evening. It was a nice treat to have Jeremy Priest here and William and Miriam loved their time with him. He left after the little ones were in bed and when William woke up this morning he asked where his Godfather was. Thanks for the nice visit Jeremy - it's always a treat!

Poor Luke came down with a fever yesterday evening which necessitated another visit to the doctor's office. Poor little guy now has an ear infection! He's such a trooper though and will still crack a smile here and there despite feeling miserable.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Little kitchen helper

I'm excited to have a new video camera as you'll notice from these blog posts. We figured it was time to start recording and sharing our kid's cuteness. So in that spirit here is a video of my little kitchen helper. Enjoy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Jumping Back in

It's been almost a year! So much has happened during the past year and so many times I would think of a blog entry and get bogged down with the desire to go back and catch up, but tonight I'm just going to start where I am - in the final days of the third week of Advent 2010 - Gaude! Rejoice! and I'll share some Joy. Happy Advent!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Toddler fun

Today we're potty-training - it's a long process but I have found a no-cry solution to encourage my resiliant almost four year-old to at least sit on the potty. Chocolate Advent calendars were on sale for 29 cents and he'll gladly sit on the potty to open one of those little doors. So the first time's a freebie, he sit's on the potty and gets to open a door. After that, well there has to be something in the potty and well we have yet to get that second door open. My almost two year old on the other hand has mastered going in the potty, as long as I remind her to sit on it.

With the development of speech comes good times. William, though a late bloomer in speech mastered commands quickly: "milk." progressed to "You get me milk, Mom" to his latest development "You better get me some milk." Though we require him to change his command to a request: "Mom, could you please get me some milk," he still always begins with that command. He is definately an oldest child - I guess that is what happens when both your parents are oldest children. Miriam, on the other hand, mastered the art of saying please at a very young age. She realised quickly that her"please will open more doors and is a lot more likely to change mom's mind than her second favorite manner of coersion - crying as if her heart was broken.